Good negotiations require good preparation

A negotiation is comparable to a challenging mountain tour: good planning is the prerequisite for reaching your destination. You need the right equipment, appropriate personal “fitness” and, once you are on the move, the ability to react to sometimes unexpected events. What the summit is for mountaineers, success in negotiations is for negotiators.
If you want to negotiate successfully, you need to take a systematic approach. If you bring order to the many parameters that make up a negotiation, you have a clear view of the negotiation objective and a plan on how to achieve it.
The EVEREST-Methode® offers exactly that:
A system for the professional preparation, implementation and follow-up of every conceivable negotiation. With EVEREST, we have developed a method with which you can confidently recognise even the last facet of a negotiation so that you can steer it in your favour.
And EVEREST works! Our method is not a paper tiger, it doesn’t just exist on the drawing board. It has already been used effectively thousands of times by our seminar participants from a wide range of industries in their purchasing and sales practice. We guarantee you: EVEREST is easy to learn and will fit naturally into your negotiation practice.

We also offer the EVEREST-Methode® as a book for preparation, for reference and for your day-to-day negotiations. → “Die EVEREST-Methode – Professionelles Verhandeln für Ein- und Verkäufer” by Jörg Pfützenreuter and Thomas Veitengruber is for anyone who wants to get to the top quickly and well prepared. You will receive many application examples, charts, tips and tricks for even more negotiating success.
“Die EVEREST-Methode” is available in bookshops, e.g. → at Amazon.
A brief summary can be found in the manual for the EVEREST-Methode® 2022. We will gladly send you the download link to the PDF file.