What doesn’t fit is made to fit!

customised to your needs!
No matter whether
in purchasing, project management, quality assurance, sales, key account management, HR management, employee management, project management or other negotiation situations, we have developed the right negotiation concept for you.
Our → Online courses enable effective negotiation training in combination with location and time-independent preparation and follow-up of the training and your negotiation practice. In our → Trainings we train negotiation skills with you in both face-to-face and online events.
Depending on your requirements, we pursue different focal points for different target groups, in Cologne, Wiesbaden, in your area, online or in a combination of face-to-face and online, in meaningful → blended learning formats.
At the → training camp and during → coaching sessions, we address your specific individual requirements in detail and, for example, prepare you optimally for a specific upcoming negotiation, train special dialogue situations and your personality, face-to-face or virtually.
Are you interested in a customised seminar or a training workshop with a very specific focus? Please → contact us. We will be happy to advise you.