Learn where and when you want!
Working life constantly presents us with new challenges. Often these challenges cannot be overcome with formal learning programmes on fixed dates. Especially when only small things need to be learnt or refreshed, which you can then apply directly in practice.
Learning and working are often no longer separable areas, they are increasingly growing together. Permanent learning is usually already a natural part of our lives and lifelong learning is essential for us. This requires learning content that employees can access at any time when the need arises.
You can find the right content in our OnlineWerkstatt and in our EVEREST app:
- Always up-to-date and needs-orientated – learn what you need, when you need it.
- Maximum flexibility – you can easily integrate digital learning into your everyday life, because thanks to short units you can learn in between, no matter where.
- For lasting learning success – you can put the knowledge you acquire directly into practice.
Strengthen your expertise online – in the OnlineWerkstatt!
We have listed some organisational and technical information for you → here.

What can you expect? For example, the → online course
“Verhandlungstraining. Verhandeln nach der EVEREST-Methode®” (in German).
The course accompanies you on our training courses and rounds off the content, prepares you for our seminars and enables you to follow up on our workshops, all in a stimulating media-mix environment, not just as part of blended learning formats. You can enter the topic of “Negotiation” purely online. It is structured in such a way that you can work through the → EVEREST-Methode® and can apply the content directly in your everyday life during the course.